This photographer captures what no one was supposed to See photographer Anne, aged 34, was walking on a deserted beach during her vacation in Colombia. She enjoyed the beautiful view and the sound of the sea that nature offered her. Well, there was good lighting. Anne decided to take some nice pictures of the beach. Just as she was about to take the last photo, a child suddenly crossed her path.
The boy was crying. He was alone on the beach and there was no trace of his parents. Anne decided to approach him and ask where his parents were and why he was crying. His answer broke her heart. The little boy looked everywhere, confused, as he walked along the beach, totally alone.

When he saw Anne approaching him, he began to cry harder. He ran towards her as fast as he could, and he hung himself on Anne so hard that he almost scared her. What’s going on here, Mum? The little boy asked through tears. When Anne saw the boy again, she realized that he was emaciated and had a look of exhaustion in his eyes.
What was going on? To better understand the story, it’s important that we know Anne’s past. When Anne used to travel to Colombia during her medical studies to provide development aid there, she fell in love with the country. Not only was she in love with its beautiful nature, but she fell deeply in love with its very kind people. They were hardworking people who, despite their harsh existence, always found a reason to smile.
The hard life in Columbia was also not strange to Anne. When she was young, she’d gone through different obstacles, which she wouldn’t wish on anyone. When she was very young, her parents died in a car accident. So little Anne grew up alone. She went from one adoptive family to another, and she was never in one place long enough to call it home.
But Anne transformed that grief into a pleasure to live. Having never had a solid foundation, she graduated from high school with honors. After that, she went to College, and with hard work and perseverance, she managed to cope with the various adversities. But her difficult childhood would have some serious consequences. She had such a complicated life that she decided never to have children because no matter how well she might do in her life, she didn’t want any child to go through what she’d been through.
Even Anna decided to keep love at a distance. After all, if she had no one to love, she wouldn’t feel the pain of losing someone. The fear of losing someone was like a scar in her life. But when she left for a beloved Columbia at age 34, this changed immediately. Something happened to Anne that she could never have imagined.
On a free afternoon, Anne decided to walk along one of the most beautiful beaches in the country. The beauty of its landscape continued to amaze her. She was so impressed by the beauty of the ocean with its calm and shimmering waves that she lost track of time. She walked and walked farther and farther until at one point she was totally alone. The beach where she arrived was located in a completely deserted Bay.
There she would have time for herself, she thought. But just as Anne sat on the sand to take some pictures, she saw something moving closer to her. In a shock, she turned to see what or who had come to interrupt her piece. In the distance, she could see a small blue creature walking back and forth. However, when she saw more closely, she noticed her surprise that it was a small child.
She saw him hanging around, looking confused and lonely. His clothes were dirty with sand and his face looked Haggard. Anne looked around looking for the potential parents but failed to find them, so she decided to go after the boy and ask him. However, when the boy saw Anne, he immediately pounced. Crying in her arms.

Anne realized something wasn’t right. She asked the boy what his name was and where his parents were, but it seemed that he didn’t understand what she was saying. Moreover, he kept repeating the words Mummy. So Anne decided to take the little boy back to civilization. There she could take him to a police station and find his parents.
When she arrived at the police station, the boy had fallen asleep in her arms and she very carefully woke him up and told him that the gentle police officer was going to look for his parents. At that moment, the boy began to cry so hard that Anne felt tears welling up in her eyes. This little boy had experienced something terrible of that she was sure she suddenly remembered her own childhood when she was told what had happened to her parents in a car accident. She was totally inconsolable. No one in the world could help her with that.
However. The little guy was slowly feeling comfortable. Anne slowly rocked the child until he finally calmed down. She even convinced him to tell the policeman what was going on. The two followed the policeman.
He took them to a quiet room with some toys and told the boy he could play with them. While the boy was playing, the policeman asked him all kinds of questions and then the horrible truth came to light. The boy’s name was Mattheus Garcia and he lived near the beach with his parents. When the house suddenly caught fire, the little guy ran away from there, totally frightened by the flames. He believed that his parents would be behind him, but they never came out.
Lost and alone, the boy was wandering the streets where he found a place to eat and drink. How long ago did this happen? They couldn’t find out. Eventually, he ended up on the beach where he had met Anne. Apparently, Anne was very much like his mom, and that’s why he had jumped into her arms.
Anne immediately felt an inexplicable bond with this child who looked so vulnerable. However, what she didn’t know at the time was that the little boy would change her life forever. Anne recognized herself in this helpless little boy and immediately felt a love overflowing her. It was as if I had finally felt all the love I had missed in my entire life, she said with tears in her eyes. Matthias didn’t have any family members to take care of him, so Anne decided to adopt him.
She took him to the United States, where she’d spent her childhood. She bought a small but cozy house with a huge garden where Matthias could run and play freely. The two enjoyed every day they spent together, until one day she received an unknown call from Columbia. It was the police. They found some things in Matthias burnt house that they thought maybe he wanted to have the memory of his past.
A memory of his mother and father who died in the flames. But they had to pick them up. They had to go to Colombia. They couldn’t just ship things because they were so difficult to transport. Anne thought it was very strange what kind of things would be difficult to transport so they couldn’t be sent by some shipping company?
Could they go to Colombia? Wouldn’t it be very emotional for the little Matias? But Matthias wanted to go. As it turned out to be a good thing. Anne was not very convinced to go to Colombia with her little boy.
She was very afraid that when he visited his old house and neighborhood he would suffer again. However, she knew that she couldn’t take this away from him. But Tyuse wanted to go and Anne had to accept it. After all, that could also help him come to terms with his big loss by picking up his belongings. He could put an end to this episode in his life.
However, when they arrived in Colombia, that’s not what happened, because the things they found in the burn house left them completely amazed and confused. First they saw a black necklace. It was the necklace his mother had always worn. The hospital staff had rescued the necklace from his mother’s body so they could give it to Matias. Matthias grabbed the necklace and tried to clean it with his little nails.
Tears immediately began to well in his eyes. Mom, he said again. This broke Anne’s heart and too, she was also struggling not to cry while the police showed her the next object. It was a large square object, completely covered in Ashes. But Anne recognized it.
It was a safe. The box was heavy. That’s why Anne and Matthias had to travel to Colombia. The safe had a key, but they were able to open it thanks to a specialist. It took them quite a while before they could finally open the safe.
But then they heard a click. The safe opened up little by little with a deafening squeak. But in the end, they were able to open the safe and see its contents. Would there be money inside, valuable memories, or was it just a waste of time? When the door was wide open, Everyone was speechless.
Although on the outside, the safe was completely burned, the inside was totally safe. Everything had withstood the terrible fire. At first, there seemed to be nothing of value inside the safe. It was full of papers and took out the papers from the safe and carefully checked them one by one. They were mainly mayoral documents, Important contracts and other documents.

Nothing of sentimental value for Matthias. But then she saw an envelope. The envelope looked old, but the letters were easy to read. It said for Matthias. Anne took the envelope and slowly opened it.
It was a letter addressed to Matthias. In a trembling voice, she read the letter. Dear Matias, she began, when you read this letter, we will no longer be in this world. We don’t know how old you are by the time you’re reading this, but we hope you’re mature enough. We want to be with you all our lives, to see you grow into an amazing man.
We’re very proud of you. When you were born, we both knew that you would bring all the happiness into our lives. We hope to be the parents you deserve. You’re a strong child and have a lot of willpower. So Fowler your instinct and you’ll have a wonderful life with love.
Your parents. For a long while, Everyone was silent, but suddenly, something happened to Anne. Perhaps they had written a letter When Matthias had just been born. It must have been in the safe until both parents died And Matthias inherited it. Parents had no idea that their child Would read the letter Much earlier than they imagined.
The tragic fire forced their little boy to mature on his own earlier than planned. Methanes listened to Anne as she read the letter, but he didn’t fully understand the message. He was too young. I would understand when I grew up. His life changed drastically, Marked by the events he had experienced during his childhood.
With much love and devotion from his adoptive mother. The boy who once felt lonely and unhappy soon became a cheerful young man with a bright future ahead of him. He managed to have the best grades in school, have several friends and girlfriends, and participated in various sports. He finished school with honors, just like his mother. He gave his adoptive mother, as well as his biological parents, a reason to be proud of him.