Waking up from a coma to discover that I was pregnant and had given birth was an overwhelming experience, to say the least. In the midst of a headache, a teenager went to bed and fell into an unconscious coma, only to awaken four days later after accident giving birth to a surprise kid following a night of feeling sick on December 2, 2018.
Ebony Stevenson, age 18, was taken to the hospital and placed in an induced coma, waking up on December 6 with a newborn girl. Stevens had had no idea she was pregnant until she went to bed feeling poorly on December 2. There had been no bump development, no morning sickness, and no missed periods for the College student who was studying sports physiotherapy.

At the time of the interview, she was completely unaware that she was pregnant because her unborn child was hidden in one of her uteruses due to a disease known as uterus didelphys. The disorder, which is thought to affect one in every 3000 women, results in the affected woman being born with two uteruses at birth.
Only one of them possessed a fallopian tube capable of carrying an egg, whereas the other one possessed none, indicating that her chances of conception would have been poor in the first place. Ebony was brought to the Royal Oldham Hospital in Greater Manchester on December 2 after experiencing a series of seizures. She was then placed in an induced coma at the hospital.
Ebony had suffered from preeclampsia, which had led her to have seizures, and she was pregnant at the time, according to the results of the tests. They notified her mother immediately and informed her that the baby needed to be delivered immediately. She was sent to the hospital for an emergency cesarean section on Monday, December 3, and gave birth to a baby girl at 01:32 A.m., a little over 3 hours after her first contraction. Suddenly, a mother appears. Evan awoke on December 6 to learn that she had given birth and was now a mother for the first time.
She’d finally come to terms with the news and is looking forward to spending more time with her baby, who she is called Eldi. In the words of the first time mother from Oldham in Greater Manchester, I didn’t believe I even wanted children, at least not for another ten years, and I never intended to be a young mother. Being informed that I had been pregnant and had given birth to a baby girl after waking up from a coma was a surreal experience, to say the least. Meeting my baby was an incredible experience. It was as though I was having an out of body experience.
I was concerned that I wouldn’t bond with my daughter since I hadn’t had enough time to process her birth, but I think she’s wonderful. It’s nothing short of a miracle. I wouldn’t trade Eldi for anything in the world. Filling in the spaces, Ebony had assumed she was simply unwell when she went to bed at 08:30 p.m.. On Sunday, December 2, complaining of a headache.
She was mistaken. She has no recollection of what happened after that until she Awakens four days later. It’s a good thing her mother, Shari, aged 39, a stay at home mother of five, has been able to fill in the gaps for her. At about 10:00 p.m.. That night, I heard Evan yell down to me that her headache had gotten unusually awful.
I went down to see what was up. She started feeling unwell, so I took her to the bathroom, where she had a seizure in the bathroom floor before I realized what was happening. I called 999 right away because she had never experienced anything like this before. Evan had five additional seizures in the five minutes it took for the ambulance to arrive, putting her life in danger. When the paramedics arrived to assist Led, they inquired as to whether she was pregnant.

Despite my insistence that she couldn’t possibly be pregnant, the paramedics were confident she was, and to my surprise, a bump had appeared on her stomach, Sherry explained. They believed that the intensity of the convulsions may have forced the baby to shift, causing it to become apparent. At that moment, Ebony was airlifted to Royal Oldham Hospital, which is located near Manchester, where she was sedated before being transported to the hospital for an emergency cesarean section. The next morning. Shari was the first person to hold the surprise baby who weighs £7.
10oz at birth. She was a proud grandma because she didn’t have time to prepare. Shari described the experience as an odd moment. The fact that she was happy and healthy made me pleased, but I could not help but worry about my own young girl, who is still in a kind of vegetative state. The following four days were spent in an induced coma while Sheree and her mother.
Ebony’s grandmother, Geraldine, aged 56, sat by her side, all the while caring for the small baby girl, who was eventually named Ellioty, who was born. Throughout the ordeal, Ebony finally opened her eyes on December 6, and it was only then that she realized she had two uteruses, one of which was still menstruating and the other was carrying her newborn daughter.
When I woke up, the nurses informed me that I had a baby, and before I knew it, they’d placed her on my chest, Elodie recalled. I know it sounds terrible now, but I requested them to take her away because I was so perplexed and convinced they’d made a mistake. However, my mother explained everything to me while the nurses were present, and then they returned my little child to me to hold properly for the first time.
It was a beautiful moment. Despite the fact that I was completely befuddled and a little terrified, she was completely silent. Doctors believe Ebony was able to carry her daughter to full term because of the weight of her daughter, which is remarkable considering she had no knowledge she was pregnant.
Her having two uteruses made this possible because one is positioned toward her rear, allowing the pregnancy to go unnoticed. For the most part, Ebony and her mother were completely unaware that she was carrying two uteruses, which allowed her to continue having regular periods throughout the pregnancy, further concealing the fact that she was pregnant.
According to Sherry, the doctors claimed Eldi was a miraculous baby because mothers with her condition generally struggled to conceive or bring their children to full term. Mom and baby stayed in intensive care until they were eventually permitted to return home on December 13, when little Ellidy was introduced to her uncles and aunts, Kennedy, aged twelve, Poppy, eight, PIA three and Navy, two, who had all been waiting to see her, Ebony had adjusted to being a mother so beautifully. She’s a natural, Sherry continued. She’s a natural, and Tiny Ellioty is a thing of beauty. We couldn’t possibly love her any more than we already do.

Ebony intends to return to Hopwood College, Middleton, where she will study sports physiotherapy in February, and her mother, Sherry, will assist her in caring for the baby while she’s away. Even though I didn’t have time to prepare, I wouldn’t change a thing about what happened have any express or disappointment. I’m overjoyed to see her every morning when I wake up and to be able to spend another day with my Darling little wonder, said the mother. The same case happened with a woman named Laura Ward, who woke up from a seven week COVID coma. To find out she’d given birth to a baby girl.
A pregnant woman who spent seven weeks in a coma after contracting COVID gave birth to a baby girl. Laura Wood, 33, of Tildsley, Wigan, was sedated for an emergency C section at 31 weeks, more than two months before her due date of October 15. Thankfully, her baby girl, who weighed £3. 7oz when she was born at Royal Bolton Hospital, is now a healthy £10. 7oz.
But for Laura, it was the start of a nightmare from which her family worried she’d never recover. The Tildesley Primary School teaching assistant had a cough when she stopped school for the summer. When she didn’t improve after a lateral flow test, she got a PCR, which came back positive for COVID. She was unable to breathe after following the isolation recommendations and was recommended to go to hospital by one one. After a fortnight in hospital, she was sent to Maternity to check on the baby and told they could have to deliver early.
She has no memory of returning to the COVID Ward, although being told she nodded her head to consent to Hope’s delivery. John Lee was called to the hospital but was not allowed inside the theater owing to Covet limitations. Laura’s next memory was waking up seven weeks later on September 30, to the sight of her lovely daughter. I opened my eyes to see Hope on the bed with me, but I couldn’t move, Laura recalled. I could only shake and nod.
Laura had to relearn how to undertake the most basic everyday duties. After having a tracheotomy and feeding tubes placed, I was simply lying in bed at first, she added. The struggle to lift my arms was excruciating. I couldn’t speak, but I also couldn’t write anything down. Since I couldn’t move my hands or arms.
I had to relearn how to feed myself, clean my teeth and do everything a toddler learns. With a frame and clutching her three year old son William’s hand, she was able to walk again at the beginning of December. Laura is most looking forward to meeting up with him and Hope when she’s finally home on Monday.
While Laura was in a coma, John, aged 37, a PSI employee who cleans extract her fans in schools and offices, would often face time with her, not knowing if she could hear them. He called his daughter Baby Girl until they agreed on the name and kept a scrapbook of all their activities while their mother was in hospital, so he waited till I woke up to name her.

He’s been fantastic. He’s been coming to see me every day with Hope, William when he can, and our kids, Lexi and Josh, when they’re not at their mothers, so she’s been loads. But with William, we wanted to keep him in his routine as much as he could. Willie came to see me in October for his third birthday and I was overcome with emotion. I missed his first day of nursery and hopes, first weeks, her first bath and such.
She only sleeps, poo and drinks milk, so I haven’t missed anything. Laura was transferred from Royal Bolton to Winston Shaw Hospital, where she spent 35 days on an ECMO machine, the highest degree of life support since her lungs were completely gone. Her family, including linen Bill, were told it was the final resort. Laura stated her family was visibly shaken. Doctors and nurses definitely thought it was bad.
John has kept everyone happy about it. She’s not giving up and neither are we, he said. Let’s stay positive. We don’t want to lose her. Laura was transferred from Withinshaw to Bolton’s intensive care unit, where she awoke from a coma.