A mother who brutally killed her daughter has been attacked in prison.
Kathryn Smith, 23, was found guilty in April of murdering her daughter Ayeeshia by punching her in the chest, Mirror reported.
“Stop mummy, stop daddy,” neighbors heard the 21-month-old child say days before she died in the hospital in May 2014 after sustaining a tear to her heart from trauma caused by a blow to her chest.
Ayeeshia was hit with so much force that she bit through her own tongue.
Smith, who is serving a minimum 24-year sentence in Foston Hall women’s prison, was attacked by two inmates in a stairwell without video survelliance while ten other inmates watched, according to Mirror.
She reportedly howled in pain as she was punched and stabbed with a homemade knife during the four-minute attack that left her with nearly an inch cut across her cheek.
“There had been a lot of talk about attacking Smith, but most people wouldn’t go through with it as they don’t want time added on to their sentences,” a source who witnessed the attack said. “But these two really went for it and left her in a bad way.”
“No one had any sympathy for Smith. Some staff were saying, ‘What goes around comes around.’”
A prison official denied that a weapon was used against Smith in the assault and claims disciplinary action has been taken against her attackers.