As you can see from the pictures above, Jack Russell Terrier puppies sure are adorable! Thinking about taking a JRT puppy into your home or family?
Before you brag wishbone lookalike pup, you need to make sure you and everyone else in your household are ready for the dedication and care they need.
These smart, very athletic pups are pretty cute, but there are some things you need to know Jack Russell Terrier puppies before going to your local shelter or to adopt one.
Training needs to start from day one
(Photo Credit: Robert D. Barnes/Moment/Getty Images)
Jack Russell Terriers are so intelligent that they sometimes even outsmart their humans. They were bred to outsmart foxes, so it makes sense.
Combined with their high energy and natural hunting instincts, this can make for a very destructive puppy if not trained properly.
Training your Jack Russell Terrier works best with consistency and positive reinforcement. JRT enthusiasts also point out that you should convey firmness and authority, and there will be times when your pup tests that.
Training your puppy will be easier when they are younger, but you can definitely still training an older one Jack Russell Terrier if you adopt one that is not a puppy.
They can catch some serious air
(Picture Credit: alexei_tm/iStock/Getty Images Plus)
Jack Russell Terriers have a tremendous amount of energy and athleticism. Despite their small size, they can hold up to five feet vertical.
Your puppy won’t be able to reach such heights at a young age, but as they grow, so will their jump.
While impressive, this ability can get annoying if your dog likes to jump on people to greet them; it can be dangerous if they learn to jump over your backyard fence.
Again, this is why training your Jack Russell Terrier is so important; not only will you have a well behaved dog, but you will also have a safe one.
They have a bit of a Napoleon complex
(Picture Credit: TatyanaGl/iStock/Getty Images Plus)
Typically, Jack Russell Terriers can weigh up to 15 pounds, but they often act as if they weigh 150. This small terrier breed tends to have a big personality.
Your puppy may also be prone to: make a lot of noisewhether it barks, whimpers or growls. Sometimes a JRT will even bark at their human if they feel they are not getting enough attention.
Fortunately, there are ways to train your puppy not to barkso you can avoid an overly cranky dog.
Jack Russell Terrier puppies love their space
(Picture Credit: Smitt/iStock/Getty Images Plus)
Jack Russell Terriers, like any breed, can be incredibly cuddly and affectionate with their people.
However, unlike traditional family dogs such as the Golden Retriever and the Labrador Retriever, JRTs may not be friendly with children who are rough with them. This terrier is also somewhat aggressive.
This does not mean that you cannot have a Jack Russell Terrier puppy and children in the same home. What it does mean, though, is that it’s important to teach kids — and adults — how to do it at home play well with a dog.
Obedience training can also help curb unwanted aggression.
They love to dig
(Photo credit: K_Thalhofer/iStock/Getty Images Plus)
Jack Russell Terriers were bred to help fox hunting. The instinct to dig fox dens is in their DNA, so even if they don’t help you hunt, they will probably have the urge to dig something up.
If you don’t have a yard, it doesn’t mean you’re safe from digging. Jack Russell Terrier puppies will be just as happy to dig through your dirty laundry, the couch cushions or the trash.
If you have a yard, it may be a good idea to look at a trellis extending about 12 inches (30 cm) below the ground. This can help keep you
puppy safe and in your yard.
Another way to curb the urge to dig is to keep your puppy happy and entertained. Playing mentally and physically stimulating games with your pup can give them a safer way to play, and they will bond with you.
They are not the same as Russell Terriers
(Photo: Takako Chiba /MottoPet/Amana Images/Getty Images Plus)
Many people assume that the Jack Russell Terrier is the same breed of dog as the Russell Terrier. While they are incredibly similar and come from an overlapping gene pool, there are actually minor differences between the two breeds.
Parson Russell Terriers are also often mistakenly referred to as Jack Russell Terriers. They too share an ancestry with the JRT and the Russell Terrier, but again, there are subtle differences.
They all come from the same 19th century English breeder, the Reverend John “Jack” Russell. The Jack Russell Terrier and the Parson Russell Terrier were the same until two separate groups of enthusiasts began breeding them in slightly different ways in the late 20th century.
So how do you differentiate the three from each other? Well, that can be difficult.
In a nutshell, the Parson Russell Terrier was bred more for aesthetics, while the JRT was bred for its original intent: athleticism. And while they are generally all the same color and size, Russell Terriers tend to be longer than they are tall.
If you adopt one of these breeds, you are in for an energetic, intelligent and athletic pup!
Their coats need special care
(Picture Credit: alexei_tm/iStock/Getty Images Plus)
Because Jack Russell Terriers were bred to dig fox dens and do ground work, their coats are: very coarse and dense to protect the skin. Unfortunately, this thick, short coat can make for a very shed-like situation.
If you want a Jack Russell Terrier puppy make sure you are ready to deal with fur on clothes and furniture or gathered in little balls in corners of your house.
The good news is that grooming a Jack Russell Terrier’s coat isn’t too strenuous. JRTs with a broken and rough coating should have their coats stripped twice a year. This process helps remove dead hair and reduces the amount of loss. It is best done by a professional.
Smooth coated JRTs should be brushed weekly. Regular bathing is also required, especially if your puppy sticks to his roots and decides to do a little digging in the yard – or in his own digging pit.
If you decide a JRT puppy is right for you, remember that you can find just about any breed at your local shelter or rescue center. You can also check out DogTime’s adoption page that allows you to search for adoptable dogs by zip code!
Have you ever adopted a Jack Russell Terrier puppy? Do you have any training or grooming tips for future JRT enthusiasts? Let us know in the comments below!
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