His mother abandoned him at birth for being sick without imagining who would adopt him dear friends god’s designs are uncertain we will never know the day or the hour or what will happen to our lives sometimes we think we do know but life itself surprises us every moment today we bring you this story so sit back and listen carefully because i’m sure it will reach the depths of your
Heart carmen was in the delivery room her son was almost ready to be born but it never crossed her mind that in addition to the pain of childbirth she would have to deal with devastating news because her son suffered from down syndrome after several hours the doctors finally managed to remove the little boy from his mother’s womb then they showed him to her but she immediately rejected him when she realized his disability because

She knew all the hardships and anguish that she would have to go through if she raised a child with such a condition so at that moment she burst into tears even more than the baby itself and the doctors kept looking at each other without knowing at that moment what to do or how to act at that moment jader quickly went to meet his firstborn arrived at the neonatal wards and was even more alarmed than his wife when he realized that he
Was the father of that child so with all impudence he hurriedly went to where his wife was and yelled at her in front of everyone that he would not take responsibility for this phenomenon reason for which carmen was more dismayed and despondent although the birth was premature the health of little jimmy as the doctors and nurses called him was very good he weighed five pounds and all of his organs were really working perfectly
However he had to stay in the nursery for some tests and to regain weight but come on let’s go back to the events before these unfortunate events well it’s known that when a couple procreates a desired child the illusion fills us with the new life that is gestated in the womb everyone absolutely everyone without exception wants children who come into the world completely healthy prosperous and strong however when things don’t go
Our way sometimes we don’t make the right decisions the couple made a pact with the doctor that they would not use an ultrasound to find out the gender of their baby unless there was a serious health complication such as a miscarriage or birth defect carmen’s pregnancy was normal but a week after her son was born she suffered an inflammation in her feet and began to feel fatigued a doctor diagnosed her with preeclampsia a condition that can
Compromise her life and that of her baby every day he held her hand and whispered in her ear that everything was going to be alright he longed for his son to get the beautiful look of his mother carmen and jader met when she was in labor and he was drinking in a nearby bar to drown his sorrows she told him that the doctor had told her that the little boy who had just come into this world had died because he did not have well-formed organs
They also decided to continue with their lives together as if the newborn had never existed and he didn’t ask about the remains of the unfortunate baby and she did not give details about it either however when carmen’s parents called on the phone she limited herself to saying that the child had died and that the hospital had taken care of the little body to carry out some studies meanwhile all this was happening at jader and carmen’s house
At the hospital the news quickly spread that the mother of that unfortunate newborn had left the hospital without a medical discharge the other children in neonatal icu were visited by their parents throughout the day but jimmy was all alone at the time and no one came to visit him the doctor who was head of the room immediately gave her the sad details of the case without revealing the identity of his parents
Of course the woman could not contain her tears when she learned that the child had been alone in that hospital for two months living on the charity of the medical staff who brought the disposable diapers that he needed and also his milk the couple left the doctor’s desk and had returned to their child’s crib however in that instant little jimmy’s future would change forever that kind woman was maritza manticore
Wife of an important public official in the country mr noel bantaker was a wealthy man who owned a prestigious law firm and who had decided to become a public official to help his country he was the owner of a substantial fortune in which he had been passed down from generation to generation in his family the man was also a very generous man or a true philanthropist who had given the gift of mercy and empathy for his fellow man
From that day on the millionaire and his partner took care of little jimmy’s expenses they decided that they would adopt him they seemed to keep that nice name that the hospital staff had given him their son little edgar was in the neonatal ward for a few weeks due to a minor respiratory infection then they gave him a medical discharge and his mother took him away but she often returned to visit little jimmy because

She felt that she couldn’t get him out of her mind when the boy reached the required floor and all of his medical exams were completed he was discharged and yes they took him to what would be his home this was an elegant mansion in which he would have a nurse specifically in charge of his care and of course a family that truly loved him after a few months when little jimmy was fully established millionaire noel and
His wife marissa decided it was time to baptize their children whom they publicly had presented as their twins the ceremony was planned with great sumptuousness and in great detail since the high society of that country would attended maritza lived throughout the days of stress to make sure that everything was the way she wanted finally after three weeks of preparations again on easter sunday at the baptismal
Font the children of the bettencure couple received holy water between tears because apparently it was cold after the religious ceremony they went to the ballroom many were the guests whom could not hide their astonishment when they saw that jimmy had down syndrome but none dared to make any comment in order to avoid a snub to the man a well-liked and respected character by the high society of that country the next day the pages of all the social
Platforms and of course the main newspapers in the nation were full of photos of the millionaire who looked proud of his beautiful family while carmen and jader had breakfast the servant girl brought a newspaper to the table as she did every day at that moment jader began to leaf through the political and economic notes and left them lying around to continue eating while carmen went straight to the social ones and her face completely
Changed color when she saw the photos of the millionaire’s son immediately she began to feel bad and ran to her room jader without imagining what was happening ran after her but got no answer that day jimmy’s light blue eyes wouldn’t leave the head of his mother who had abandoned him so ruthlessly the woman spent long hours unable to contain her tears when jader came back he confronted her and this time he
Decided to talk to her i think the millionaire’s son who was in the news is our son the woman said between tears immediately jader jumped out of bed and asked how that was possible if the child had died quickly carmen revealed the truth to him that the child did not die as i told you no he did not die at that time i did not want to lose you and i left the hospital without anyone noticing i was not
Prepared for people to point the finger at me and judge me for being the mother of a boy who knows what other problems he has the woman said codely while jader interrupted her in tears and told her why she thought that the millionaire’s child was her son and she replied you know those light blue eyes that give off tenderness are unmistakable i looked at our son for a few moments but i’m a mother and i tell you that i recognize him from here to
Anywhere jader clutched his head and couldn’t believe what he was hearing he collected his clothes put them in the suitcase and decided to get out of there and leave this woman who had uttered such a terrible lie but before that he told her hey hey you know i felt that the world was crashing down on me when i looked at our son but seeing my son and you abandoned him without more or less you made a decision
That was not up to you alone and that is something that i will not forgive you i will never forgive you please do not look for me because just as you said that my son had died now the dead one for me is you carmen and it was with those words that the angry man left without even accepting that he had been the first to reject little jimmy when carmen saw the creature she felt that she was dying depression took over her life completely
But thanks to the advice of her mother little by little she recovered and a month before jimmy’s second birthday she decided that she was going to get her child back carmen through her father a cleaning worker at the millionaire’s large law firm managed to make an appointment with him and also with his wife it seemed strange to them but because she was the daughter of who she was they invited her to a coffee at their house
When carmen arrived she was impressed to see how little jimmy played with his little brother watched over by a nurse in a babysitter the boy spoke perfectly but he was barely taking his first steps thanks to the therapies that his parents had given him the billionaire and her wife received carmen and were surprised to see her bathed in tears the woman confessed to them what she had done with her little one immediately afterwards the millionaire got up

Furious and demanded that the cheeky woman get out of his house and never come back because she was not worthy of being called a mother when she had left her son abandoned like an animal in a box and told her get out of my house ma’am and don’t ever think of coming back here again because i won’t have the patience that you see right i’ll have you put in jail until your bones rot jimmy is our son and he’s a happy boy
Who grows up healthy and strong surrounded by her love and does not need late regrets from a bad mother said the millionaire who had clearly lost his composure at carmen’s audacity carmen left without knowing jimmy he grew up surrounded by a lot of love and tenderness and one day he inherited along with his little brother the fortune of the beta canoer family convinced that it had been a blessing to have such loving parents
Life takes many turns and this story teaches us that our children in whatever conditions they find themselves we always have to be there for them we always have to give them a helping hand well we as parents have to understand that we are responsible for their future being prosperous their education being effective and of course being good beings thank you for reading.