The majority of us are lucky to be born completely normal, and we honestly take it for granted. There are hundreds of diseases and deformities around the world that people are born with. Fortunately, we also live during a time when medicine is the best it’s ever been, so living with these conditions is entirely possible for people.
Life can be difficult for children born with physical deformities, and they need all the support they can get from family members as well as society for a normal, healthy life. But while loved ones do stand by, kids suffering from disorders, prejudice and cruel insensitivity on the part of society makes life worse for them.

That’s the case with many congenital disabilities shows up later. There’s also the fact that disability itself is a numbers game. 100% of people who live long enough will become disabled. If you’re wondering about things like babies who have no conceivable quality of life, like major organs didn’t develop and they’re highly unlikely to survive without heroic medical aid, which is painful and invasive and tremendously expensive and requires constant vigilance to maintain life, then the situation is fairly understandable. But if the quality of life is determined against an ablebodied, able minded perception of quality, then the people should do some incredibly serious soul searching.
For example, not to be able to use your legs is totally different from being born without major portions of your brain. You can have a perfectly happy life as a wheelchair user. Abled’s not understanding it doesn’t make it bad. If your child is diagnosed with a disability in utero, maybe try listening to what actually disabled people with said condition have to say about their lives. And keep in mind that absolutely nothing guarantees you a healthy baby or a healthy child.
A baby that’s born apparently healthy is not guaranteed to stay that way, and it can just as easily be congenital as acquired. If you’re not willing to raise a disabled child, then you’re not willing to be a parent. A baby was born with only one eye and no nose yesterday in Mandaline Natal Regency of North Sumatra, Indonesia, and doctors say the odds of her longterm survival are very slim. Mr. Atana Arianto, a citizen of Java Island in Indonesia, had the shock of his life when his wife, Surianta, delivered a Cyclops baby with one eye in the middle of her forehead.
From reports, the atenis welcomed their fifth child, a baby girl, at the Ruma Sakit among derasicle of Mandela, the tile district in North Sumatra. On Thursday, Mrs. Atana was said to have had her baby through a natural delivery process. The baby weighed £5, had only one eye in the middle of her forehead, nose missing and had all other organs complete. Doctors hurriedly placed the baby under intensive care and a team of medical staff from the hospital checked up on her every 15 minutes, but unfortunately she passed away about 7 hours later.
Same day of her birth the head of the Mandela Natal District Health office, Dr. Syfudan Nasutan, reported the baby girl was born in a condition of abnormalities. We had to put the oxygen hose from the mouth because there was no nose. Babies with these conditions are usually born by cesarean section. In general, such babies experience respiratory problems and heartburn because their heart rate is below 100 /minute he added.
This is a very rare case. If her condition improved, we would have referred her to Meaden, but we were aware that the baby had a very short life expectancy. The doctor suspects that the cause of the baby’s anomalies may be due to exposure to Mercury and the Rubella virus. He suspected this because the parents of the late baby live in Kaiyati Village, Pineapurg City district, and they work in one of the mines. In similar cases, the rate of survival is one to three days, but the doctor earlier said that we should be grateful if she lives 5 hours.
Her general condition is that she has respiratory and heart complications. Her heartbeat is below 100, he said. Doctors are monitoring the baby’s condition for the next few days with the aim of transferring her to a hospital 515 km away in the North Sumatra capital of Medan.
The health agency suspects that the baby’s birth defect was the result of Mercury poisoning, since they suspect her father uses the toxic material in his work as an artisanal gold miner. Mercury, a well documented cause of birth defects and nervous system disorders, is used around the world at gold mining process sites to separate gold from ore.

According to United Nations Development Program report. Indonesia has one of the highest numbers of artisanal mines independent small gold mines, often illegal and generally unsafe in the world, exposing workers and communities to harmful chemicals. According to the doctors, the baby’s. Such deformity may be due to the effect of radiation and some medications taken by the mother during pregnancy. Unfortunately, the baby can never last for a few days because of some other deformities that are not compatible with life.
However, what this baby’s tragic life was terrible. A baby boy was born with a massive, bulging eyes and only holes in place of his nose died as his desperate parents waited for a miracle to save him. The unnamed baby, who also had no ears, passed away a day after he was born at home to mother Karishma in Algar, a remote village in Uttar Pradesh, Northern India. The shocked mother had not breastfed the child as he kept staring at her all the time. Instead, his heartbroken parents had attempted to spoon feed him milk as villagers flocked to their home to catch a glance at the alien, Karishma said.
He was breathing properly and he was healthy. He had healthy limbs, but his face was not formed properly. I was so shocked that I could not dare breastfeed him. We had given him milk with a spoon. He was doing fine and slept but did not wake up.
Next morning there was no movement. He’d not even cried. It was around 04:00 a.m. Next morning. The boy born to Karishma and her husband Arshad, who also have a two year old daughter, had been touted as an alien by villagers because of his mysterious looks.
But the unfazed couple was determined to raise their baby and were planning to take him to doctors for treatment. Arshad, a painter, said his birth was God’s will and he took him from us. We have no complaints. We did not even get time to take him to doctors. We’re heartbroken, but what life would he have lived anyway had he survived?
We were thrilled to have a second child and were delighted when we saw it was a boy, but all our joy turned into agony when we saw his face. People kept flocking to our house to catch a glimpse of him, thinking he’s an alien, but we had decided to raise him up. Now that he’s gone, we can only remember him in our memories. In most cases, they were never truly a parent. They were mentally and emotionally absent from the beginning.
In most cases, they never wanted to be a parent to begin with and therefore never established an emotional bond with the child. Unlike with women who get pregnant and don’t want to be a parent, men can have it forced on them and that’s in most cases what I believe precipitates a man leaving children behind.
In some cases, often decades later, they claim to regret it, but in many cases they create a family of their own with a wife and bond with those children, making it not too difficult to go on with their lives and suppress any regret. Why are some babies born like that? There are rare conditions that children are born with, and many of the children live a fairly normal life after being born.
Cyclopia is not one of those cases. Cyclopia is one of the rarest forms of birth defect and children born with this condition often pass away within the first few moments after birth. Cyclopia is a birth defect where the baby is born with one eye or two eyes in the forehead of the baby. The one eye is a result of the orbital sockets not forming correctly in the womb. Some cases of cyclopa have been associated with rare chromosomal condition called Patao syndrome, which is associated with a person having three instead of the usual two number 13 chromosomes, trisomy 13.

Cyclopa is most noted in feline babies where the kittens die within the first few moments of life due to the fact that the mouth and nose are often affected and are either missing or nonfunctional. In these cases, the infant cat suffocates once they leave the womb. The same effect is seen in a few cases of cyclopian. Human infants. The children are born with a functioning nose and once they’re born, the babies do not have the ability to breathe outside of the womb and thus die quickly.
While the cases of psychopa are rare, there are preserved remains of infants in an Amsterdam Museum who were born with Cyclopia. The Causes of Cyclopa There are several known causes of cyclopa in the human population. Each of the causes is related to high amounts of toxins in the body during the formation of the fetus. The first cause is thought to be the ingestion of a toxic weed known as corn Lily or vetch weed. This weed is often confused with hellbor.
Hellbore is an herb used to treat vomiting and cramps, two common symptoms of pregnancy. Another cause of Cyclopia is directly related to alcoholism and diabetes and alcoholic and diabetic mothers. The toxins can build up in the body quickly when these toxins are present during the formation of a fetus, the brain develops as one hemisphere instead of two. With this improper brain development occurs, the orbital sockets are often developed as one socket instead of two. Thus, the occurrence of Cyclopia.