(Photo credit: Vesnaandjic/Getty Images)
Dystocia in dogs is a term that can refer to a wide variety of problems that can arise during the birth process. These problems can arise from a number of problems related to the fetus, uterus, and pelvis.
A difficult labor can start at any time during labour labor processand in some cases it can be life-threatening. Certain very small dog breeds are also more likely to have difficult births than other larger breeds.
If you see signs that your dog is at risk of having problems during labour, then what? you should consult your vet for proper diagnosis and treatment. Here’s what you need to know about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of dystocia in dogs.
Symptoms of Dystocia in Dogs
dystocia in dogs results in a wide variety of different symptoms depending on the underlying cause of the condition. Some of the most common common symptoms are:
- Labor starts early (before 56 days after conception)
- Labor does not start 72 days after conception
- vomit
- Fever (over 103 degrees Fahrenheit)
- Various discharges (bloody, black and green)
- Pressing for a few hours without successfully delivering
Causes of Dystocia in Dogs
(Photo credit: JodiJacobson/Getty Images)
dystocia in dogs is the result of a series of problems. In some cases, an oversized fetus or a fetus that is abnormally positioned in the birth canal may be the cause.
Other common causes include:
- inflamed uterus
- Pelvic area injuries
- Obesity in Dogs
- Abnormal Vaginal Problems
- History of previous dystocia
In addition, certain small dog breeds have a higher predisposition to difficult deliveries than others. Some of the most common of these dog breeds are:
- toy poodles
- Chihuahuas
- Boston Terriers
- bulldogs
- pugs
In some cases, very old and very young dogs have also been shown to be highly susceptible to difficult brits. Flat-faced dog breeds, also known as brachycephalic breeds, are also more at risk.
Treatments For Dystocia In Dogs
If you suspect your dog is developing dystocia, your vet will want to perform a complete physical exam and ask detailed questions about your dog’s history and lineage. They will also examine your dog’s cervix and vaginal canal areas.
Vets often use a battery of tests, including blood glucose, calcium, and blood urea nitrogen, when making a diagnosis. They may also use X-rays and ultrasounds.
Treatment often involves manual labor and delivery of the puppies. In some cases, vets can use digital manipulation to successfully reposition puppies. If these attempts to give birth to the puppies prove ineffective, the vet will perform a cesarean section.
It’s always helpful to talk to your vet before delivery if you find out that your dog’s breed has a history of difficult births.
Have you ever cared for a dog that suffered from dystocia? What steps did your vet use to help your dog give birth successfully? Tell us all about it in the comments below.
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