Red-eared sliders (Trachemys Scripta Elegans, as they are scientifically known) require a lot of care and attention throughout their 20 years of life. They are certainly a commitment, which some pet owners are not fully prepared for before seeking out one of these tortoise breeds. Anyone wishing to keep a red-eared slider as a pet should definitely gather a variety of information about caring for these pet turtles.
About the red-eared slider
The red-eared slider is a semi-aquatic turtle that belongs to the family Emydidae. This set of turtles has a more common name: Terrapins. They are located almost entirely in the Western Hemisphere. Only two species of turtles in this family tree are located in the East.
Red-Eared Sliders are the most popular pet turtle in the US, despite restrictions that prohibit people from owning turtles smaller than four inches. This particular species is also categorized as invasive, leading to it being one of the most heavily traded turtle species in the global pet trade.
If you’re wondering just how invasive a species of turtle can really be, Red-Eared Sliders are in the top 100 of the world’s most invasive species, published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Alternative names:
- slider turtle
- Waterslide Turtle
- red-eared slider
- red-eared slider
- red-eared slider turtle
- Trachemys Scripta Elegans
Did you know that the Red-Eared Slider gets its name from a small red stripe around the area where its ears would be? The second part of their name comes from their ability to slide quickly off rocks and into nearby water.
Size of slider with red ears
The average length of a Red-Eared Slider’s shell is 6 to 8 inches, which helps them evade US regulations governing their sale and distribution. Some Red-Eared Sliders are known to have a shell length of up to 16 inches, and it’s not uncommon for the females of the species to grow to the size of a plate. Pet owners often associate terrapins with the image of a small turtle, but your red eared slider may very well grow larger than you expect.
Appearance of red-eared slider
Adult red-eared sliders can be recognized by their dark brown or olive colored upper shell with a yellow pattern on the belly of the shell. You should also look out for the prominent red or maroon stripe around where the turtle would have its ears; this is a huge giveaway for the Red-Eared Slider breed.
Sliders have strong beaks that look serrated up close, and their bodies are often covered in a variety of long, pale yellow markings. The female of the species is larger than the male, with a blunt tail length and shorter claws.
Red-eared slider behavior
Mating for this subspecies occurs between March and June each year after the individual adult turtles have reached sexual maturity. In males, this happens between 2 and 3 years, while the females live between 5 and 7 years. A clutch of Slider eggs can have 5 to 20 eggs per clutch, and female Slider eggs can lay up to three clutches during each mating season.
Newly hatched sliders dig their own way out of the nest in which their mother has trapped them. The small hatched reptiles will then be challenged to immediately find food and water to survive. Unfortunately, many babies don’t make it.
Sliders are reptiles that we associate with wildlife and the sea. We often imagine them diving deep into the ocean or walking slowly along the shore. A red-eared slider that is kept as a pet in the home can exhibit many behaviors that the typical household with pets is not used to.
Expect these reptiles to bask in the warmth and light of their aquarium, slide off rocks into the water for a swim, and simply sit still for long periods of time. None of these behaviors are abnormal for pet turtles.
with regard to behavior
If your pet’s Sliders refuse to bask outside of the water in their tank or if they flap their claws, their well-being could be compromised. Although Sliders usually flutter their claws when mating, they also do it to establish dominance and will perform the same moves in a show of territorial behavior. Attached to that same movement may come the turtle’s need to snap at you.
These are all signs that your Slider is feeling uncomfortable or frustrated about something that has changed in its habitat.
Habitat for red-eared sliders
The slider turtle is native to South America and northern Mexico. They are said to have first appeared around the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi River, as well as other warm southern climates in the United States. Also expect to find many of these subspecies in these areas:
- New Mexico
- south carolina
- Virginia
- Florida
- Kentucky
- The Virgin Islands
A wild slider’s habitat consists of wetlands, rivers, and other freshwater locations. They enjoy calm waters and use rocks or logs to bask in the sun.
Indoor habitats
Terrariums are the best indoor housing for Red-Eared Sliders because you can control the size and water quality and adapt the tank to the needs of all the animals you house in one. Water changes in a terrarium are also something you can control and correct when they occur. Red-eared sliders prefer water to be around 72 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit.
For a single Red-Eared Slider, consider buying a tank that can hold at least 50 gallons of water. This is the bare minimum you should give your new boyfriend. They will use the water for swimming, sunbathing and exercise. Once you’ve found a big enough tank, you’ll need a good heat lamp and a tanning bed next to that lamp so they have a place to bask.
What do red-eared slider turtles eat?
Turtle pellets are the perfect staple food for the Red-Eared Slider diet, and they are readily available at pet stores. This subspecies of turtle enjoys aquatic plants (such as water lettuce), leafy vegetables, pumpkin and carrots in their diet.
You can also feed them freeze-dried krill occasionally – a treat, not a regular food. Other treats can include earthworms and comet goldfish. A red-eared slider’s diet is simple and inexpensive.
Red Eared Slider Care
Red-Eared Sliders have a life expectancy that ranges from 20 to 30 years. Healthy red-eared sliders can be blessed with a slightly longer lifespan and the occasional individual tortoise of this breed has lived for over 40 years.
Keep their tank clean, check the water temperature often, and don’t feed them vegetables more than three times a week (in addition to their other food). Make sure your cool-blooded Slider has room to bask in the warmth of their bulb so they can regulate their body temperature.
Be extra careful with your Slider in the winter months as abrupt changes in water temperature can kill all types of turtles. We recommend a temperature gauge to help you with this – you can buy easily readable ones that will stick to the outside of a tank.
Common Health Problems
Buying a Slider from a pet store does not guarantee that your new turtle friend will be completely healthy. Only buy or adopt terrapins from a reputable store or licensed person and be sure to get as much information as possible before purchasing.
Red-eared sliders have a handful of common health problems that can arise during their lifetime. Of which:
- eye infections
- intestinal parasites
- Metabolic bone disease
- respiratory infections
- Salmonellosis
- shell rot
- Vitamin A deficiency
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Why are turtles under 4 inches banned in the US?
AN: The law banning the sale and possession of these tiny creatures was created because turtles with shells less than 10 inches long are likely to carry salmonella on their skin. The law was passed to protect people from this.
Q: Do red eared sliders bite?
AN: They can and will do so if they feel threatened. Red-eared slider bites can also hurt quite a bit, so it’s best not to mishandle or hurt them. Do your research, treat them with care and know that these little critters won’t bite you just because they can. They only bite when provoked or hurt.
Q: Should I buy a terrapin or a pet turtle?
AN: As long as you treat them well and you have the right amount of space for their habitat, owning a turtle or terrapin can be a great addition to your home and a great way to teach a child responsibility.
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