Bad breath in dogs usually comes from periodontitis. (Photo credit: RubenPH/Getty Images)
Bad breath in dogs, also known by the medical term halitosis, usually results from a build-up of tartar and plaque that develops into gum disease.
Certain dog breeds with flat faces and short noses, known as “brachycephalic” types of dogs, seem to be more prone to developing halitosis.
If you see – or, more likely, smell! — signs that your dog may be suffering from halitosis, then you should consult your vet for proper diagnosis and treatment. Here’s what you need to know about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of bad breath in dogs.
Symptoms of Bad Breath in Dogs
You can usually detect bad breath in dogs by its unpleasant, foul-smelling odor. In addition to the actual breathing, the condition can also cause a few other symptoms, including:
- A lot of drooling, sometimes with blood in it
- Loss of appetite and developing anorexia
- Pack around the mouth like it hurts
- Teeth that seem to be loose
Causes of Bad Breath in Dogs
(Image credit: dimarik/Getty Images)
Bad breath in dogs, this is usually the result of periodontitis, especially a buildup of plaque and tartar; although there are a number of other issues that could be at play as well.
Some of the other common causes include:
- diabetes mellitus
- Sinusitis (inflamed sinuses)
- Gastrointestinal Problems
- Rhinitis (inflamed nasal cavity)
- eat garbage
In rarer cases, some type of trauma has also been linked to causing halitosis in dogs.
In terms of specific dog breeds, brachycephalic dogs generally have a higher predisposition to developing halitosis. Some of the most common of these dog breeds are: Boston Terriers, Pugs and the Pekingese.
Treatments for Bad Breath in Dogs
If you start to smell that your dog has developed bad breath, your vet will want to examine the mouth and teeth thoroughly. Veterinarians can find X-rays very helpful in identifying the cause of a dog’s periodontal problems.
When it comes to treatment, a thorough cleaning of the teeth is usually the starting point. Your vet can perform this process, which also involves brushing the teeth.
In cases where damaged or decaying teeth are the cause of the problem, your vet may need to remove individual teeth.
If the problem is due to bleeding in the mouth, your vet may suggest medications. As always, if your vet prescribes medication for your dog, it is vital that you adhere to the exact dosage and frequency instructions and complete the full course of medication.
In general, the best way to reduce the chances of your dog developing halitosis is to follow a good dental care and cleaning routine at home. Your vet can advise you on safe and appropriate products to use and suggest a regular cleaning schedule.
In addition, try to prevent your dog from accessing the bin, where they can secretly snack on smelly and rotting food.
Does your dog ever suffer from bad breath? How do you help keep their breath fresher? Tell us all about it in the comments below.
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