Your dog is more likely to have diarrhea than constipation, but it’s still possible that the dog will have trouble defecating at some point. Constipation in puppies is more common, but adult dogs can suffer from it too. Pet owners need to know the symptoms and home remedies for constipation in dogs.
Home Remedy For Constipation In Dogs First Step Noticing The Symptoms
If your dog has not had a bowel movement within 2 days, he’s probably hidden. Signs of constipation in dogs include straining when trying to “go”, squatting for long periods without producing a stool, and whining while defecating.
If you notice any symptoms that worseHowever, such as blood around the dog’s anus or blood in the stool, you should skip these home remedies for constipation in dogs and go straight to the vet’s office.
Natural remedies will not be effective enough.
For constipated dogs, a vet can laxative or laxative to get things going again.
These can usually be purchased over-the-counter. The vet will also tell you the correct type of medication and dosage for the dog.
RemarkEven though you can purchase most laxatives and stool softeners for dogs online or at a local pet store, you should NEVER give your pet over-the-counter medications without first consulting a veterinarian.
For a mild case of constipation in dogs, you can try a home remedy that is more natural yet effective.
If your dog is taking longer than usual to defecate, you notice that the dog is stretching particularly hard when walking, and/or he is only producing a small amount of stool, he is probably mildly constipated.
5 Home Remedies For Dog Constipation
The first thing you want to do if your pet has constipation is: check his behind. Look for matted fur or any foreign object that could be causing a blockage in or around the dog’s anus.
You should also watch for signs of a more serious problem, such as bleeding, ulcers, anal gland problems, or even a tumor.
Once you get that part out of the way, you can try one of these five home remedies for constipation in dogs.
1. Increase Water Intake
One of the most essential parts of the digestion process is water.
Dogs who eat dry kibble can easily become dehydrated if they don’t have access to plenty of clean drinking water throughout the day, or if they refuse to drink for some reason.
The first step is to make sure your dog has access to fresh, cool water and also that the dog is actually drink enough of it.
If the dog refuses to drink, you can tempt him by chicken/bone broth – because of the smell, dogs are more likely to drink it.
2. Try Canned Dog Food
To increase the water intake even further, you can add some canned food to your pet’s diet.
This must not be a permanent or complete switch; An temporary addition of wet food for 2-3 days will usually be enough to resolve constipation in a dog.
Canned dog food has a higher moisture content and this will add more liquids to the dog’s diet and help rehydrate him.
However, DO NOT switch to a 100% canned diet kibble very suddenly, as that can lead to more digestive problems.
Instead, you should replace 25%-50% of your dog’s kibble with canned food; mix it.
3. Exercise
Excercise promotes normal movement in the dog’s intestinal tract. If your dog is constipated and bloated, he may be a little lethargic.
Encourage him to get up and play or go for a walk outside. Try some of your dog’s favorite games or visit some of his favorite places for a long walk.
4. Canned Pumpkin
Pumpkin is extreme rich in fiber, which helps draw water into the gut and get things moving.
Make sure your dog is be well hydrated before adding pumpkin to his daily diet. The fiber draws water into the intestinal tract whether your dog is well hydrated or not.
Small dogs only need about 2 tablespoons added to their meal once a day, while large dogs could eat about ¼ cup of canned pumpkin a day for a snack or you could add it to their kibble.
Be sure to feed your dog 100% pure pumpkin, not the pumpkin pie filling sold in the same section of the grocery store.
5. Olive oil or mineral oil
Both ingredients act as a natural laxative for dogs. Add 2 teaspoons (small breeds) or 2 tablespoons (large breed) olive oil or mineral oil with your dog’s meals.
It should help get things moving after 2-3 servings.
If your dog doesn’t start pooping normally within 48 hours of starting a home remedy, get to the vet immediately.
Without proper treatment, the backup of stool can lead to life-threatening health problems.
Home Remedy For Constipation In Dogs Final Thoughts
These 5 home remedies for constipation in dogs can be done in addition to adding fiber to a dog’s diet. Certain dog food are manufactured in this way and contain 2-3 times more fiber.
Some of the best high fiber dog food brands are listed below; however, you should not switch very suddenly, but make it a gradual change after your vet has approved it.
Laxatives and stool softeners for dogs may be necessary if the home remedy for constipation in dogs and puppies is not successful.
You should NEVER give laxatives, stool softeners, or other over-the-counter digestive medications to your pet without first consulting your veterinarian.
Once you’ve consulted and approved a vet, the brands listed below are some of the best on the market.
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