67 years after his wife died he opened her old phone and was stunned max is a very rich man as he works as a manager in a luxury marketing and advertising company max works hard and loves his work very much because he earns a lot of money max lives alone in the house and he is not married six years ago he left his country and his family to go to the capitol and work there
One day there was a very beautiful girl who came to the company for an interview she wants to work as an accountant there this beautiful girl entered max’s office with a smile and said my name is anita i saw your advertisement in the newspapers looking for an accountant i graduated from the faulty of commerce and i specialize in accounting max replied welcome to my company it turns out that you’re very smart and skilled we need you these days we would

Be glad to have you working for us in fact max is a lustful man as he loves women very much he thinks deeply about those days max decided to express the fake feeling he had he went to her and asked her to go out together after work and she agreed they went to the cafe max expressed his feelings i wanted to go out with you today because i want to tell you something important it’s important to me because i’ve never felt it before i feel attracted to you i want
To see you every day i want us to be together in the same house do you know i never thought about marriage before i don’t want to brag about it but there are many women who have loved me i don’t fall in love with women in my nature but this time it’s clear that i fell in love with you this is strange to me because i have never fallen in love with anyone before i’ve been living alone for many years i’m a single man and i have adapted to
It do you know what describes the heart when it beats fast it’s the love i’ve never felt before except with you anita is very shy and her face turns red she said shyly i never thought you’d ever tell me that i like you too we’re good friends but there’s one thing that makes me wonder we don’t know each other very well you don’t know anything about me except a little how did you fall in love with a woman you don’t know anything about
Max said do you believe in love from the very first meeting i didn’t believe it either but in the end i did anita will you marry me i need a reply i’m very happy with what you told me i believe in the sincerity of your feelings i agree anita is very hasty and agreeing to the marriage she doesn’t know max well but she was deceived by appearances she saw him as a rich and handsome man who also had a beautiful home she didn’t look at his
Inner core external appearances such as appearance social and financial status and all of this make people fall into the trap of deception anita did not care to know who max is well she did not know his character well she shouldn’t have been in such a hurry she had to get to know him well first and then ask about him but she didn’t max loves women very much he likes to deceive them and do whatever he wants
And then leaves them he wanted to make anita fall into that trap he lied to her saying he loved her max wants to marry anita because she looks very sweet and has a beautiful body several days passed and anita was getting ready to marry max she’s a very good innocent and pure girl she’s never thought max would ever cheat on her she has good intention towards people it’s wedding day it was a very nice day where people had a great time together anita
Is very happy that she married the person she loved so much then they traveled to rome to spend their honeymoon max felt he could get what he wanted before he did what he planned before this overwhelming happiness did not last long fatalism controls our lives and makes us submit to situations and things we don’t want many months passed one day anita felt tired and went to the doctor the doctor told her that she was pregnant she was

Completely glad she felt that she is like a bird which flies in the sky she wanted to have beautiful children she thought that max would be happy when he knew that she was pregnant he came back home and she said to him my dearest man i have great news for you i’m pregnant max was shocked a lot because he didn’t want to he never wanted children he feels that there is a rope between him and anita and the rope is the child he felt compelled to do so
He replies angrily i don’t want children you should have an abortion immediately anita replied i love children very much i want that child i will do it just to please you but i’m sad anita did what max said because she loves him so much this is very wrong no one should be forced to do anything a person does not have to make himself sad in order to please others we don’t have to make ourselves a victim and pray in order to please others but
Here we find anita did it she did the abortion in order not to make max angry with her so many years passed and they became old one night max woke up because he was in great pain in his kidney anita said to him what’s wrong with you he told her i feel like my kidney hurts so badly i can’t even move it hurts very very badly we have to go to the doctor right now anita replied she helped max get moving then she drove the car and they went to
The doctor the doctor examined maxwell and did a medical analysis for him it turned out that there was a major problem as the doctor said i examined you well and read the tests it is clear that you have a very big problem in the left kidney we must do an operation immediately but there is a bigger problem than all that we need a donor to save you from what you are in and what will the donor do max said the doctor said we need
Someone to donate a kidney to you immediately because your health condition is very serious there was no one to do that there was no one to sacrifice a kidney to save max’s life max felt lost anita doesn’t know what to do she tries to console him as much as possible she is having a chat with her friend over the phone saying to her i’m thinking of donating my kidney i want to save him from his pain her friend
Replied you should never do that because he will refuse it anita replied i will not tell him that i am the one who donated his kidney to him i will ask the doctor not to say that i am the one who donated his kidney i love him so much and i must sacrifice for him then the conversation ended the next day she went to the hospital and it was very hard and difficult day as the dangerous operation was successfully completed anita donated her kidney in
Order for her husband to live she’s a model of the sacrificing woman who saves her husband the operation was successful then they stayed in the hospital for a week then they recovered and went home max does not know that it was anita who saved his life he doesn’t know that she was the one who sacrificed for him to stay alive max in those days his mental condition was very bad he does not want anyone to
Stay with him several months passed and it turned out that anita was also in pain she feels pain because of the operation that took place because she is now living with only one kidney living with one kidney is never easy max can’t bear to see her in pain and decides to leave her saying i haven’t recovered yet from my operation i want to break up i want to live alone as i was anita cries and says after all these
Years you tell me that i can’t believe it i never left you alone when you were sick now you leave me alone and abandon me he replies i feel so comfortable when i’m alone she left the house and left unfortunately only a week later max was told that his wife anita had died he felt lost he went to her old house and found her dead her old phone was ringing and he grabbed

The phone and didn’t answer but hinted at a conversation between her and her friend he read the conversation in which it turned out that she was the only person who saved his life she is the only person who accepted to sacrifice and donate a kidney for him it was very touching and weeping seen when max hugs his dead wife anita while crying so hard the next day anita was buried and max was standing in front of her grave crying
Forgive me anita i’m a bad person i hurt you and i’m the reason for your death i don’t want to live anymore i want to die i want to be buried next to you then max wrote his will to be buried next to his wife anita the story teaches us many values and lessons a person should choose his life partner carefully we should not sacrifice ourselves to save others if this sacrifice will hurt us we should not be like max because his
End was too tragic and he is the one who put himself in a dilemma that he cannot get out of we must appreciate the people who love us thanks for reading.