Why do babies of almost every species in the world become instantly cute? AZ Animals is a site driven by academic research and carefully gleaned facts, but let’s be honest – there are things science just can’t explain!
Baby animals are cute and I refuse to apologize for loving all of their images and videos I can get my hands on.
Therefore, I present to you 79 of my favorite cute cubs, and you will like the fact about each of them almost as much. 🙂
1. Cute sea turtle
Watch this little guy make his way from his newly hatched egg to the water to join his friends as quickly as possible.

Fun fact about sea turtles: female sea turtles travel hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles in the water, but almost always return to the same beach to lay a new clutch of eggs. Whoa!
2. Determined wolf cub
Chew this stick as much as you want, buddy – you can handle it!

Fun fact about wolves: While your average wolf can trot at 5 miles per hour, it has been known to run at around 40 miles per hour when food is at stake.
3. Cute ducklings (also known as ducklings)
There was no sound in this video initially, but you can almost hear the sound of their cute duck feet, right?

Fun Duck Fact: A typical duck egg takes just under 30 days to hatch. Which, as you know, gives us even more cubs to look at. A win for the ducks, and a win for me and you, right?
4. Magnificent baby elephant
Let’s talk about mini me! I can’t get enough of this baby elephant waving its ears.

Fun Elephant Facts: A newborn elephant can weigh over 260 pounds!
And just because elephants are so great, I’ll add a second fact. Like narwhals (yes, they are a real animal), an elephant’s tusks are actually teeth. I highly recommend visiting your dentist if your teeth ever look like this.
5. Cute Hippo
The lack of ear size is compensated for by sheer speed. Hippos are one of my favorite baby animals … because you’ll see for yourself.

Fun hippopotamus fact: An adult hippo can eat over 75 pounds of grass in one night. A domestic hippo will mow the lawn, but where can she sleep?
6. Cute rabbit
I wish I was in the room with this cute bunny as he begins to explore what is outside the basket.

Fun fact about rabbits: A small rabbit is called a whale (like a fox). A male rabbit is called a deer (like a deer). And the female is called a doe (also like a deer).
7. Lovely sloths
Sloths are known to be slow, but I prefer to believe that they just like the world around them more than most!

Fun fact about sloths: The real reason sloths are slow is because they eat an extremely low-calorie diet of mostly leaves. Therefore, they move slowly to conserve energy.
8. Sweet young Rhea
This young Rhea drinks about the same as me, except that he didn’t spill his new shirt right before an important meeting.

Fun fact about Rhea: Native to South America, Rhea cannot fly, but can run at speeds up to 40 miles per hour.
9. Cute puppies
I can’t get enough of this salt-and-pepper puppy. And his friend too!

Fun fact about dogs: Dogs are born without teeth, but like me and you (and other mammals), they grow milk teeth that are eventually replaced by their adult teeth. By 6 months, dogs usually have teeth that they will use for the rest of their lives.
10. Cheerful little pigs
Three little pigs are playing in the mud. One fell and became … dirty!

Fun Pig Fact: Like a dog, pigs can be trained to respond to their name. And in many cases much earlier than dogs.
11. Relaxing owl
This cute owl is struggling to hide, but we see you buddy. We see you. And we want to play!

Fun owl fact: Unlike many birds, owls fly almost silently. Given that they are also nocturnal (that is, they search for food at night), the prey of owls often does not even know what hit them until it is too late.
12. Hungry young ostriches.
When I grow up, I want my position to be the same as that of this person. I can feed cute baby ostriches all day.

Fun fact about ostriches: Adult ostriches can grow up to 9 feet tall and over 300 pounds!
13. Fluffy horse
Who knew horses could be so fluffy? For example, I approve.

Fun Fact About Horses: Horses are usually measured in “arms”, not feet or meters. Yes, those arms, which, by the way, are about 4 inches wide.
14. Sleeping hedgehogs.
You can pet these sleepy buddies if you like, but be careful!

Fun fact about hedgehog: maybe not, but hedgehogs have about 6,000 needles on their backs!
15. Baby Gorilla Stretching

16. Playing kids

17. Young play giraffe

18. Cute donkey

19. Curious fawn

20. Happy calves

21. Super fluffy chicks

22. Curious kittens

23. Hungry Chicks

24. Cute Baby Alligator

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